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tv   Liberally Stephanie Miller  Current  October 18, 2012 6:00am-9:00am PDT

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ing this this corruption based on corruption based on corruption. >>that's an understatement, eliot.
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♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ everybody dance now ♪ ♪ da, da, da, da, da ♪ >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it. twenty-three minutes after the hour. karl frisch rejoins us for right-wing world. rush limbaugh. >> obama's facial expressions,
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agitated, mean nasty-looking at times, it showed undecided voters that he is virtually impossible to reason or do business with. >> did he look arrogant to you? [ laughter ] >> full of himself like he thinks he was god's gift. olive gift. >> stephanie: angry and muslimy. >> to have rush limbaugh hire a body language -- you know interpreter, i would think that rush is in the market for a new bride, but -- [ laughter ] >> stephanie: apparently he has not yet asked for the binder of women. >> stephanie: would you say, i don't mean to lead you or anything, does he seem arrogant to you, up itty --
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>> does he seem as if he would ever send white house staff to pick up his medication perhaps high dosage painkillers, risk his entire career all for the sweet, sweet knockout power of oxycontin. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: steve doocy. >> look for some type of a strike in a timely fashion before. >> the debate is going to be 9:00 pm so probably before that. >> stephanie: the president should not clearly be unfair and rude to do it before the election. >> exactly. >> he should talk about what happened before all of the cards
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are in, but he shouldn't talk about who did it and go after them. >> stephanie: no. >> before the election. >> stephanie: yeah, it's just rude. it's like winning the debate. it's just bad form. >> they are giving the president a bunch of bs. but if we find out who did it and we go after them before the debate, that just shows mitt romney to be an empty suit. >> ann romney: stop it. >> stephanie: oh, mrs. mike huckabee, she is on the janet mefford radio show. guess who funds that radio show? >> who? >> stephanie: the todd akin campaign. >> with legitimate money? >> stephanie: right, so this will be very fair and balanced. >> i think women are really on [ inaudible ] with todd akin.
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they are praying for him. women know what they want and right now -- >> stephanie: they want it. >> and right now they want todd akin to be their senator. >> stephanie: you know you want it. >> you may say no. >> stephanie: you mean i'm on fire for todd akin. i want it. [ bell chimes ] >> stephanie: i want it. >> i like the little jody foster reference there. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. i'm surprised stephanie didn't recognize it right away. >> stephanie: because of my girlfriend i'm dating jodie foster. >> exactly. you have seen all of the right-wingers coming out of the woodwork for todd akin now it seems like their dreams are slipping away.
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>> stephanie: i have the actual transcript. janet responded to that by saying i agree it is so exciting and you go to you and donate right away. >> you have todd akin buying a radio program -- >> stephanie: he has his own radio host. >> it seems they have learned a great deal from fox news when it comes to media. when you don't like the coverage just buy the source. >> stephanie: exactly. karl frisch great stuff, see you next week honey. >> have a good one. [ applause ] >> when is somebody going to buy you? >> stephanie: i wish someone would guy me. the one time we had george sores
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on, i said where is the money? >> and he said f-off. >> stephanie: yes. tee in wichita kansas. go ahead. >> caller: i was just concerned of the disrespect they are allowing mitt romney to get away with to the president of the united states. if an average citizen were to get up and disrespect someone in authority like that there would be repercussions for that behavior. >> stephanie: there was really an audible gasp -- did you see that one where he said you can speak in a minute -- >> i'm not accustomed to being talked like that by the help. how dare you. >> stephanie: he is not using the same bathroom i am is he. twenty-nine minutes after the
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hour. nate silver coming up next on the "stephanie miller show." (vo) during the debates, it's hard to know what candidates are thinking. unless, of course you've stood at the podium yourself. with governors granholm, spitzer, and vice president gore, watch the only truly experienced presidential debate coverage.
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the chill of peppermint. the rich dark chocolate. york peppermint pattie get the sensation.
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you've heard stephanie's views. >>no bs, authentic, the real thing. >>now, let's hear yours at the only online forum with a direct line to stephanie miller. >>the only thing that can save america now: current television. >>join the debate now. [ ♪ music ♪ ] >> sorry if it seems forward, but i had to give that -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. . >> -- the test drive, and let me say, wow. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: thank you. thank you. i am a smooth drive. 34 minutes after the hour. i have me the new nate silver book. "the signal and the noise." and here he is now, nate silver. good morning. >> good morning, stephanie. >> stephanie: always a pleasure to talk to you.
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you have a reputation of being kind of scary accurate. [ laughter ] >> this election is a little scary, i think. it has gotten very close. >> stephanie: yeah, i bet it is. it's interesting, i'm reading an interview with you in new york magazine, i'm like that was two or three weeks ago. and that is a lifetime ago in politics. >> yeah. yeah. >> stephanie: give us a snapshot for now. >> it will take a couple of days for how much the debate moves the numbers. basically we're looking at a situation where -- where you want to look at what the numbers look like in states like -- like ohio, like iowa wisconsin, nevada. those are maybe the four most important states right now. because obama needs three of the four of those to win the electoral college. and it looks like romney was
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still behind by a point or two or three in those states. so people can sometimes lose perspective, whereas much ground as obama has lost since the denver debate. he had some ground he could afford to lose right. so we think he would be a slight favorite, about a 60, 65% favorite if you held the election today. >> stephanie: okay. this is just a snapshot but you were saying there has been a couple of surprising things. one is the amount of the bounce and the length that obama got out of his convention right? >> yeah. i would say in obama's case he had a number of good news cycles in a row. right at a time when you would expect a convention bounce to fade you had the 47% tape leak.
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and you had obama's convention bounce, and 47% bounce kind of finally fading, and then you had a very good news cycle for the president to a very good news cycle for mitt romney. so you might expect after a better, in my view a better debate for the president, for some of romney's bounce to round out as well. >> stephanie: yeah, i felt like the president won that debate as decisively as romney won the first one. how do you think that is going to play out? >> these things can be amplified by the news media coverage a lot. where it seemed like people watched the debate -- i watched the first debate in denver and it was like romney won, right. but it got blown up a lot, right? romney never really had had a
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sustained period frankly of favorable news coverage. where the republican primary ended with a whimper more than a bang. the gop convention was kind of a dud. so maybe he timed his moment very, very well right? where you could be in what is technically a bounce but it carries through to november 6th. >> stephanie: right. i'm wondering to what degree you think -- >> most people's analysis is mitt romney got fact checks in real time at -- this debate, and the first time he got fact checked afterwards. >> i wonder if romney's comments about working women won't ultimately be more of a story. i think he may have struck the wrong chords with some female
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swing voters and undecided voters potentially, and that could have a longer-term impact. but there were things -- one thing about the denver debate is there weren't that many kind of youtube clip-type moments. it was more obama's demeanor. whereas in this debate you do have a lot of explosive video. and we have another debate on monday. >> right. >> so there's not that much time for this thing to carry forward. obama had this two-week break where there was nothing to talk about except the debate so it kept magnifying it's a. >> stephanie: right. after the libya exchange i'm not sure mitt romney is looking forward to the foreign policy debate. >> traditionally the foreign policy debate is the one most
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likely to favor the incumbent. and we have mitt romney giving a fair critique of what happened. but especially with obama having authorized the mission to -- to bill osama bin laden in an odd way i think the osama bin laden thing is one of the more underrated factors in helping obama. he got a bounce in the polls immediately after, but then faded, but it changes the -- the kind of texture of any discussion about national security in ways that would turn potential weaknesses into a strength for obama. >> stephanie: yeah you say the same thing we also say and that is that dick morris is absolutely the worst pundit is history. >> yeah.
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>> stephanie: you said i have been thinking about starting a hedge fund just to say whatever morris says can't happen. >> if you get zero percent of things, right, you have to go with the right answer and say -- >> stephanie: i would have been anything to be a fly on the wall when he said trust me it is going to be hilary and condy. this book is going to have a shelf life. always a pleasure, nate thanks so much for taking time. >> thank you, stephanie. he is busy on book tour. >> stephanie: and which is the best sight ever. >> stephanie: even better than
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cats who look like wolfored -- stuff on my cat. marilyn in new york. hi, marilyn. >> caller: hi good morning, stephanie. >> stephanie: hi. >> caller: i need you to give me a few minutes to say what i have to say. i want to talk to women out there. >> stephanie: women pay at attention. >> caller: from the young women to seniors, to please listen very carefully to what mitt romney has to say. he is against ensuring people with preexisting, so young women who are thinking of having families in the future, if your babies are born with some kind of health risk, that child will never under mitt romney be able to get insurance. >> stephanie: right. yep. >> caller: and for equal pay, why shouldn't a woman get equal pay for the same job that a man is doing, and oftentimes we do
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even better -- >> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: and sometimes we have to train these same men and they go on to make more money than us for doing the same job. >> that was the entire plot of 9:00 to 5:00. >> stephanie: thank you, and he didn't even answer the question about pay equity. and then his spokesperson said he wouldn't have signed lilly ledbetter -- i think -- >> lily tomlin's character trained -- >> stephanie: thank you. right. okay. >> see what i'm saying. >> stephanie: you and your binders, mitt. [ laughter ] ♪ ♪ binder from the right ♪ ♪ brought up by a douche another blunder for the night ♪
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♪ and crowley getting colder she stripped the [ inaudible ] light down ♪ ♪ because they were binders from the right ♪ ♪ brought up by a douche ♪ ♪ binders on the right ♪ ♪ brought up by a douche ♪ >> wow. >> that took some production rocky mountain mike. [ applause ] >> it wasn't in stereo anyway. >> stephanie: jerome in new jersey. >> caller: good morning, i'm jerome, and i need for you to
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guys to listen and be a little parent with me today. the bottom line is that if barack obama looses this election, it's not because he let us down. it's because we're going to let him down. >> stephanie: that's right. >> i need for people to understand the type of businessman romney is. i'm the primary caretaker of my grandmother for ten years. she died last night, and now the insurance company is telling me it is just an accidental policy. i fulfilled the promises to my grandmother for the last ten year, and when she needs me the most, i can't help her and put her in the ground. i paid for an insurance policy! i called these people and asked them for a copy of the original policy! no one can tell me anything.
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but that's how they do it. they get people to pay for things, and never give them services that you pay for. and they hide behind a paper trail that you can't uncover. this is unbelievable for me right now! >> stephanie: yeah. jerome i'm really sorry. >> unfortunately that's not an isolated case. >> stephanie: yeah love the president talking about that mitt has a one-point plan and that is folks at the top play by a different set of rules. if you don't have the money to have somebody on your side -- to me that's what this whole election is about. >> uh-huh. >> it's really weird, but it is also the coolest thing i have heard in my whole life. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ the campaigns and from viewers like you. >> now that's politially direct. >>start the night with a special live edition of "talking liberally with
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stephanie miller" at 7 eastern. only on current tv.
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hershey's drops. a lot of hershey's happiness in little
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drops of milk chocolate. and cookies n creme. pure hershey's.
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>>and now to my point. that is a whole bunch of bunk! the powerful my steal an election but they cannot steal democracy. [ ♪ music ♪ ]
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♪ we're going to rock down to -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ -- electric avenue and then we'll take it higher ♪ ♪ oh, we're going to rock down too -- our >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ -- electric avenue, and then we'll take it higher oi. >> stephanie:, click on the try it free and use the promo code stephanie. adam schiff will be here soon. the president on the campaign trail yesterday. >> obama: i'm still trying to figure out how to get the hang of this thing, debating.
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[ laughter ] >> obama: but we're working on it. we'll keep on improving as time goes on. i have one left. >> stephanie: and the romney camp continues their strategy and that is whining. republicans not happy with candy crowley's mid-debate fact checks of the libya claims. it's just rude. [ laughter ] >> how dare you interrupt my lie. >> stephanie: candy crowley herself admitted she was wrong -- >> she did not. >> stephanie: no. [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: john sununu didn't say it was an act of terrorism. what i know is she was wrong, said ed gillespie. >> no, she wasn't.
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>> stephanie: this is their whole strategy. huh-uh. they were talk about obama's un speech -- he is provably on tape twice. he never said the video caused the libya attack. he always said it was under investigation. and bystanders there said that the terrorists they did it told them they were upset about the video. so, again, the investigation is not complete. the video did lead to a riot at the egyptian embassy in cairo. >> uh-huh. >> stephanie: muslims -- or excuse me, obama said in the speech it sparked outrage throughout the muslim world which is true. crowley pushed back against the growing conservative myth that
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she changed her mind. romney decided to challenge obama on an extremely easy to fact check issue. that look on romney's face is still just priceless to me. when he is looking back at the president with that gotcha look. >> yeah. >> stephanie: donnie you are on the "stephanie miller show." >> caller: hi, stephanie. you guys are great. >> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: i called to talk about mitt romney's policies. when it comes to women it seems like if we're not married we don't deserve to have an equal paying job. >> stephanie: right. somebody made that point yesterday -- what if a woman wants to do something else to be with her lesbian partner -- >> caller: anything. >> stephanie: really? only if you are going home to cook dinner for your kids in your heterosexual unit.
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>> caller: i think it's horrible that we can't be responsible without a man in our life. >> stephanie: and does he give flexibility to a man to go home and cook dinner. >> caller: oh, no. a man is supposed to take out trash in his world. >> well, he has to go home and pay the servants. >> stephanie: mittens on the campaign trail. >> romney: i love these debates, and the president still doesn't have an agenda for a second term. he has to come up with that over the weekend, because there is only one more debate left. [ mocking laughter ] >> stephanie: republicans try to seize control of the word binder. >> bless their hearts. >> stephanie: despite the immediate and mostly mocking
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binder remark, republicans appear to turn binders into their campaign theme. they are going to take it back and own it. the rnc hosted a conference call, and admits that binders was the third most popular debate word. reince preibus -- jim? >> reince preibus! >> stephanie: they said they would try to talk about binders second term. >> yeah, that's not trending on twitter. [ mocking whining ] >> stephanie: he said it's the president who has the empty binder. [ mocking whining ] >> stephanie: the gop binder metaphor didn't stop there. oh, my god, obama's second term agenda, it's an empty binder. [♪ circus music ♪] >> stephanie: oh my god.
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that i bet is already rocketing around the internet, isn't it chris? that probably is trending like crazy on social media. >> no, there is no empty binder hashtag on twitter. nick you are on the "stephanie miller show." >> caller: romney using the same material against our president as the used against the republican, in the republican debates. he said almost the identical thing to perry and stunned him, and newt gingrich he said about the investment portfolio. he said it to rich perry about shut up, he stunned them. and when he said it to newt gingrich about the investment portfolio, it stunned him. and he found out it didn't work with this president. >> stephanie: yeah that was great.
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he just stands there cool, and said i'll look at it but it's not as big as yours. how irritating was he too when he kept moving into the president's space. >> and the rules of the debate were they weren't allowed to talk to reach other. >> caller: yeah it was very satisfying to see that the president knew how to handle both of those statements. >> stephanie: i loved the gotcha moments, lie fallen souffles. [ wah wah ] >> stephanie: i loved it when he said please proceed, governor. and he was like huh? fifty-eight minutes after the
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hour. right back with adam schiff on the "stephanie miller show." by citizens. [♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: hello, tv land here we are, hour number two. representative adam schiff coming up and then mudcat. jacki schechner jim ward has agreed to give you some flexibility in your working hours, you can do news now, or you can go cook an omelet. >> i just heard jim ward and
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flexibility and got scared. [ laughter ] >> i'm not much of a cook i can bake from time to time, but the one thing i do make is a really great omelet. >> there you go. >> that's why we need her in this studio. >> stephanie: you are not the kind of woman that mitt romney likes. you are an assembler of food. >> we were on the phone the other day, and i said i'm assembling a salad. >> stephanie: you are rejected from the binder of women. >> yes. good morning. election night too soon? not if you are the obama campaign. the president has picked chicago's mccormick place convention senator for his indoor rally. it hosted a nato summit in may.
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the rally will hold the same designation. the president's victory speech took place in chicago. the obama campaign has not issued any official marks as to a rally would work. governor granholm recommended that we all visit a new website called, you try to click on the plan but you can't because it moves around the page. that is considered a smash success.
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sec filings shows how much was given to each campaign. sheldon adelson chipped in $5 million. the dnc pledged not to take any corporate money, but it did about $5 million to rent the convention hall. president gore, watch the only truly experienced presidential debate coverage.
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[ quarterback ] set...hut! [ grunting ] [ crowd cheers ] [ male announcer ] clay matthews is turning the nfl upside-down. turn your world upside down with gillette fusion proglide because you can shave against the grain with comfort. only proglide has gillette's thinnest blades for less tug and pull, so you can shave against the grain comfortably. fusion proglide, our most comfortable shave or twice your money back. gillette the best a man can get.
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(vo) john fugelsang sees what happens. i like mitt romney but i'm sorry. they guy has flipped more than a crack house mattress. (vo) so we gave him a weekly show. >> thank you. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's the "stephanie miller show"! ♪ i'm walking on sunshine woe ho, i'm walking on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ ♪ hey all right now ♪ >> stephanie: all right. it is the "stephanie miller show." >> this hour the "stephanie miller show" sponsored by greg
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pallets, how to steel an election in nine easy steps. billionaires and ballot ban -- bandets. [ applause ] >> stephanie: there he is, live in studio from yards away. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: representative adam schiff of the grate state of california. good morning, representative. >> good morning. >> stephanie: thank you for joining us. >> you bet. >> stephanie: are you still basking in the post debate glow. >> i am. i thought the president was terrific. >> stephanie: favorite moment? >> i thought his answer on libya was so powerful and i thought he displayed his commander in chief credentials for all to see. and that was just a powerful
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response on a difficult question. >> that was probably what made tagg wanted to take a swing at him. >> stephanie: yeah. tagg romney on a radio show. >> what is it like for you to hear the president of the united states call your dad a liar? how do you react to that? >> jump out of your seat and rush down the debate stage and take a swing at him. but you know you didn't do that because there is a lot of secret service between you and me. >> the only thing stopping him. >> stephanie: yeah. >> i would have felt that way when i heard my dad if i were him make the comment in the first debate, that he knew something about deception because he had five sons. >> stephanie: yeah how do you feel about your dad calling you a liar? >> if i was his kid i would not have be happy about that. >> stephanie: yeah. and here -- i'm love
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this -- this -- [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> stephanie: obama called the attack terrorism long before romney did. romney used the term once. the first unmistakable reference came out september 20th. i mean it just -- i don't even know where they are coming from on this. it is on tape. >> that's right. and we have to remember what mitt romney's immediate reaction was as the smoke was literally still lifting in libya, mitt romney is out there attacking the administration doesn't even know what the facts are yet. >> stephanie: yeah. >> and a politicization of the attack that was condemned by progressive and conservative media and critics alike.
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>> stephanie: yeah, obviously the president handled it great. but i would have even gone further, many have asked you to stop politicizing this to despairage the president. i'm curious how this foreign policy debate is going to go on monday. >> yes. and when you look at the fore policy discussion so far during the campaign, it really appears that the romney premise is we would do everything differently than the president, and when asked to explain, he says i would do exactly what the president is doing. i don't like what the president is doing with iran but i would do the same thing.
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>> stephanie: and i would do this with my hands. >> stephanie: yeah. the president on the campaign trial. >> obama: let's recap what we learned last night. his tax plan doesn't add up. his jobs plan doesn't create jobs. his deficit reduction plan adds to the deficit. >> stephanie: yeah, wow. think progress put together, romney told 31ths in 41 minutes. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> stephanie: during the first debate it was 27 myths in 38 minutes. so he has upped his record. >> that is impressive. >> stephanie: that's the difference. he got fact checked in real time this time. i think like i was saying -- out was such a barrage of untruths or policy changes in the first debate. >> you have got to love a debate where the candidate gets fact checked by the moderator.
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that doesn't happen unless it is a pretty extraordinary statement. >> stephanie: yeah, he went so far out on the limb of specifics, right? >> he did but then he pulled himself back in with his binders comment. >> wow, that took off. >> yeah, i don't keep binders of women. i really prefer spiral notebooks. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: yes, it's very clunky. first of all he dodged the entire -- that answer was so ridiculous, and he didn't even answer the question. the question was about pay equity. >> yep. >> stephanie: and the second wave we have been talking about, really what is he stuck in 1952. his idea of flexibility is to let the little woman go home and
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cook dinner. >> right. >> stephanie: it is incredible how sexist that entire answer was. >> i think it shows a real obliviousness to what people in the ordinary workplace. in every debate and many of his speeches, there's that moment of incite into his world, and i think that was that moment of incite. >> stephanie: this was the actual question, in what new ways do you intend to rectify the inequalities in the workplace, specifically females making 72% of what males earn. and that's when he went to this whole binder story. the women's group said we just gave it to them. >> he was confusing that with the trip he recently made to staples.
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>> right. that's why they put together the binders full of women. >> stephanie: right. i love, aside the biener full of women, aside sounding like a trophy fetish [ inaudible ] mitt romney's madman era, as horrible as the story is, in responding to a question about pay equity as it turns out it isn't even true. and then he goes on to talk about -- you know -- letting a woman that worked for him have the flexibility to go home and cook dinner. and the president came back and proceeded to beat romney up over romney's health issues even forcing him so completely reverse his position on contraception. >> yes, and i thought the president very skillfully in several different areas, said
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when you were governor of massachusetts you were out in front of the coal plant saying -- time after time there was the old mitt and the new mitt. and maybe it was better that he held off from that final pronouncement which mitt am i talking to tonight? >> stephanie: i just wanted bill clinton to pop his head out from the side and go where you been boy? [ laughter ] >> stephanie: like i say there were so many, i thought great moment, but that -- the contraception thing in particular was what he did a lot in the first debate. it is not what his position as been. he totally just -- the president sort of forced him into that but his policies don't back up what he said right? >> no, that's very true and i think the really damaging part of governor romney is this is now reinforcing the image that
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he started the campaign with which many conservatives had of him. he couldn't be trusted, because he was ant true conservative and his opinions are flexible and changed quite frequently and i think he got beyond that at the end of his primary, but now that whole problem has been resurrected i think. >> stephanie: yeah the vice president said yesterday he mocked the binders of full of women, when governor romney was asked a direct question about equal pay, he started to talk about binders. what i can't understand is where he has gotten this 1950s time warp in terms of women. obviously a lot has been made of the gender gap. what do you think is going to happen >> i think and i hope we'll see it go back to where it was before the first debate. with the president with a
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significant lead in the battleground states, and that trend widening. >> stephanie: you have got to look at any issue that affects women. his senior advisor said last night, when they were asked about did romney support lilly ledbetter, he said romney would have vetoed it. you can't get much clearer than that right? >> it is incredible. here you have a president who signed his first bill and you have a candidate saying he would veto it. pretty clear. as much as the governor tries to at times up scale the difference between the candidates you can't get must sharper than that. >> stephanie: ed gillestby said he never weighed in on the lilly ledbetter act. as president he wouldn't seek to repeal it. >> i think that shows incredible leadership, though. he wouldn't try to repeal it. so what are you going to do to
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advance the cause? i'm going to fight so far, i'm not going to work to repeal the law that gives you access to justice -- >> and i'm going to allow the little lady to go home and cook dinner. >> stephanie: i know. >> and let me talk about the other laws i'm not going to work affirmatively to appeal. >> stephanie: yeah, right. eighteen minutes after the hour. we continue with representative adam schiff right here on the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: welcome to the party barn. may we take your order? it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ [ male announcer ] and that's how you test your car for fun. easy. now find the most hard core driver in america. that guy, put him in it. what's this? [ male announcer ] tell him he's about to find out. you're about to find out. [ male announcer ] test it.
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♪ ner, jim ward just joined our feminist frenzy he said i can't imagine any woman voting for mitt romney. >> it's true. i don't know how you can do it. i don't know how you can be paying at attention and actually vote for him. >> stephanie: we were just
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saying this woman is apparently still undecided. >> i saw that same interview and was astounded. >> stephanie: let's see, mitt romney, i could be in a binder and get home in time to cook my husband dinner. >> yeah. >> stephanie: i'm not in the middle on that anymore. >> should i breathe or not? >> stephanie: yeah, wow. >> there was a poll that said 3 approximate% of undecided voters hadn't decided who won the debate. >> oh, wow. >> pretty much they can't decide anything. >> i don't wanted those people in my democracy. >> stephanie: god, imagine ordering dinner with them. >> good morning, 16 of the biggest financial services firms have sent a letter to the president and congress asking them to come to a bipartisan
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agreement. it says that the u.s. cannot afford to go over the fiscal cliff warning the nation is facing a second ratings downgrade. president obama is prepared to veto any legislation that does not raise taxes on the rich. republicans cannot stop the automatic increases for everyone without the president's support. and he is going to control whatever happens between november and january. with this kind of leverage he would be able to fight a lot harder to stop the bush tax cuts stay in place. maryland voters will decide whether or not to uphold the bill legalizing same-sex marriage when they go to the polls on election day, and a new poll shows a majority of likely voters in maryland want to uphold the legislation. the governor signed the law in march, and the "washington post"
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survey out today shows 52% of likely voters want to keep what is called question 6 in place, that would make maryland the eighth state, plus washington, d.c., to let gay couples get married legally. commentary. >> you're going to hear that used as a major talking point. (vo) the only network with real-time reaction straight from the campaigns and from viewers like you. >> now that's politially direct. >>start the night with a special live edition of "talking liberally with stephanie miller" at 7 eastern. only on current tv.
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or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. [ phil ] get back to the things that matter most. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. [ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's the "stephanie miller show"! ♪ i'm walking on sunshine, woe ho ♪ ♪ i'm walking on sunshine, woe ho ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ ♪ hey all right now ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ >> stephanie: uh-huh. it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. six minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere., the
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website, you can email us all there. the sexy liberal website. speaking of sexy liberal, john fugelsang tweeted. i didn't fight but i really really wanted to. [♪ circus music ♪] >> stephanie: tickets going fast for next saturday at the beacon theater in new york city. we'll have two huge celebrities! >> huge! >> you mean a list. >> stephanie: yes, wow wee. that was teasy. okay. guess what time it is kids? ♪ mudcat ♪ ♪ mudcat ♪ ♪ excellent ♪ ♪ he's a real tom cat mudcat ♪
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>> stephanie: morning, mudcat. >> morning guys. i'm getting my second wind. i'm not tired like i was last week. >> stephanie: mudcat what about that debate? >> well, i thought it was good. i thought -- you know, that obama took it to him, you know, a whole lot better. honestly i would have taken it to him a whole lot more. politics is not as tough as it used to be at the presidential level, and i have always said if they brought back dole who -- that we would have a better country. but -- but anyway. >> stephanie: yeah. >> he continues to lie, mitt romney, does. i'm from the old school i think you call a liar a liar. but that said, i think that, you know, the president did well and -- >> stephanie: i thought he -- >> that this was -- i think the
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first debate -- and we talked about this before on -- on the show, you know everybody gets a second -- you know, that get that little spike there at the end, and i think he hit his spike just like john mccain did in 2008 romney did. and i think obama will pull away now. >> stephanie: obviously the biggest moment was the disaster for mitt romney on libya, and now we're going into foreign policy, right? >> the foreign policy stuff, obama should absolutely destroy him on that. but the china talk of course that's a big deal around here. and the battlegrounds in the state -- you know in this state and north carolina and throughout the rust belt those battleground states -- china is a big deal, and i expect that to
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kick up a heck of a lot more -- >> stephanie: right, and i love when the president said that that you are the last person that is going to cut down on china. and that cuts to the core of it doesn't it? >> it absolutely does. and people around here that have seen the jobs go away and the corruption, and our relationships with china are getting ridiculous. and a lot of our policy towards china is directed, you know, with the idea that there our bank. and anybody who has dealt with a bank, which is most all of us, you know, we tread lightly you know, around bankers and we got to do something. we got to get to work on this deficit. we have got to -- and i -- i really, really believe that the
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president understands the -- the severity of the problem, and wants to work with the republicans on it, and i think he proved it you know, working through joe biden and himself with boehner, and my friend eric cantor busted all of that up and insisted on this sequester insanity. >> stephanie: exactly. this war on women, everybody is joking about the binders full of women, but somebody was saying mitt romney couldn't have answered that question much worse if i wrote the answer for him. letting women go home early to cook dinner, it just does incredible wasn't it? >> it was very much an all-time -- you know a very, very white anglo-saxon stereo
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type. >> stephanie: yeah. >> but i think he's going to be okay. we got some -- some good stuff happening today. it's -- we went ahead and hit eric cantor on his shorting of u.s. treasury bonds betting against the american economy during debt ceiling negotiations, and of course he has refused comment. but the press is trying to get a statement, how can anybody bet against their own team? and i think i said it here it's a good thing he is not a baseball player pete rose bet on his own team and they kicked him out of baseball for life and cantor bet against his own team, and nobody does anything about it. your listeners need to just keep sending us a little money, because we are doing really good
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with y'all. >> stephanie: yeah. let's kick cantor out of office. >> we have an abortion ad coming. talking about women's rights you know, eric cantor -- he is the general of the war on women there's no question about it. he sponsored 32 pieces of legislation with todd akin. >> stephanie: you are barn storming with dr. stanley -- >> uh-huh. it will be big. cantor has not been in the district. he has done 34 fundraisers this summer and into the fall all over america from the hamptons to las vegas -- >> stephanie: yeah you have an o-cantor where art thou.
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[ laughter ] >> stephanie: yeah we couldn't help it, because nobody knows where he is. >> stephanie: exactly. mud great stuff as usual, and good luck with the barn storming, and can't wait to talk to you next week. >> we'll do it. >> stephanie: thanks mudcat. >> thank y'all. >> eric cantor's bitch face is going to get even bitchier. >> eric cantor does all of this fund-raising in other districts. >> stephanie: yeah. i wish the president could have said that when mitt romney started talking about his record in massachusetts. >> yeah. that still could come up. >> stephanie: yeah. dave in north carolina by the way on binders full of women. romney's statement was unfortunate for several reasons
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but look up mormon joy books. there are books that mormons use as essentially bride catalogs in other words binders full of women. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> stephanie: von seal in ashwood -- because they always describe the president as angry. the one thing he was angry about was the benghazi thing. that was an angry look. i know because i have seen the exact same look on my father's face in high school once when i wore vampire teeth to the communion rail. [ applause ] >> stephanie: i would have done that, if i could have thought of it. dave writes, steph romney's short-term memory is like a
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goldfish. a goldfish has a three-second time frame, which cultivated the joke, oh a castle oh a castle, oh castle. mittens on the campaign trail. >> romney: when it comes to his policy and answers he is pretty much running on fumes. >> have you seen 51st date there was one guy who had a brain injury and he keeps reintroducing himself every 30 seconds. >> stephanie: mitt romney. >> yes. >> or finding nemo. >> stephanie: it is just like ellen -- >> oh, boy. that would have been funny if
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you hadn't -- >> stephanie: screwed it up. >> yeah. >> stephanie: jim reince preibus. >> reince preibus! >> stephanie: on the laura ingraham show. >> clearly he is just totally empty when it comes to his plan for the future. [ mocking whining ] >> it's unbelievable that the press continues to -- what particular deduction are we talking about? [ mocking whining ] >> what about a plan in general from this president he has got nothing. [ mocking whining ] >> stephanie: okay. all right. end scene. >> wow. i didn't even hear -- >> stephanie: those two in bed that would be a lot of whining. >> can you imagine. all laura ingraham does is whine. >> i can't wait until he wins.
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[ mocking whining ] >> the president cheated. [ mocking whining ] >> you know what those people are like. >> stephanie: all right. seventeen minutes after the hour. [ laughter ] [ mocking whining ] >> stephanie: you know what sound i make ironically when i have lost everything on my computer. >> that whining. [ mocking whining ] >> stephanie: i forgot to back it up. not anymore because i have carbonite. it's easy and automatic. check that out, right? and whenever you are connected to the interwebs, everything is automatically backed up. i have dinner to cook, and binders to get into, i don't have time to backup. just get carbonite and you never have to remember again. all for just $59 for the entire
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year. access your backed up files from anywhere. if you have a small business like i do you can get it for one low fee, and back all of your computers in your business. >> i know. >> stephanie:, and the offer code is stephanie. [ mocking whining ] >> what if i don't want to back up my files? [ mocking whining ] >> stephanie: do you think his wife sounds the same way. >> i don't want cereal for breakfast. >> stephanie: what kind of whine do you want? >> the place where dreams come true. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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the chill of peppermint. the rich dark chocolate. york peppermint pattie get the sensation. [ voice of dennis ] allstate. with accident forgiveness, they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. [ voice of dennis ] indeed. are you in good hands?
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>>i jump out of my skin at people when i'm upset. they're doing this this corruption based on corruption based on corruption. >>that's an understatement, eliot. ♪
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>> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ nobody's going to break my spine, nobody is going to slow me down, oh, no i got to keep on moving ♪ >> stephanie: it is think "stephanie miller show." hah, hah. jennifer grey herself just tweeted nobody puts baby in a binder. [ applause ] >> stephanie: stephanie in illinois. >> caller: hey, you know the old saying the apple don't fall too far from the tree. tagg is running around swinging on the president, that shows you
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what kind of person his father is. because he got his anger from where? >> stephanie: yeah anger management, much? we know -- michelle obama would have gone. just put her arm -- one well-toned arm up. >> talk to the fist. >> we have that down. >> ow! >> stephanie: he would have gone down like a sack of a potatoes. >> she hit me. >> stephanie: oh, to have been that radio host. play this thing again. >> what is it like for you to hear the president of the united states call your dad a liar? how do you react to that? >> well, jump out of your seat and rush down to the debate stage and take a swing at him, but you know you can't do that because there's a lot of secret service between me and him. >> stephanie: he is lucky there
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is secret service there, otherwise -- oh michelle! >> dad the lady hit me. >> stephanie: i would have said how do you feel about mitt romney calling you a liar? >> yeah. >> all of my boys are liars. i wonder where they get that from? [ mocking laughter ] >> he is 42. >> stephanie: is he? >> yeah, the romney boys just seem a lot younger. >> stephanie: all right. speaking of lies those who tell them, would you like some of the -- you might want to load the liar cannon wow -- you got
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to hand it to mittens. [ applause ] >> stephanie: this debate he crammed 31 lies into 40 minutes. >> wow, a personal best. >> stephanie: he said i want to make sure we keep our pell grant program going. ♪ lie, lie lie, why must you be such a fat liar ♪ >> stephanie: he went prell grants for his hair. >> they don't even make prell anymore. >> stephanie: he would cut pell grants for a million college students. oh it's called a chance for every child [ bell chimes ] >> stephanie: he said he would reverse the money in pell grant funding. >> stephanie: i have a plan that gives america 12 million jobs.
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♪ lie lie, lie, liar ♪ >> stephanie: that got four pinocchios. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> stephanie: the post expressed incredibility at the claim. really, "washington post"? >> shocking. >> stephanie: none of the oil production came on federal land. 14% is a one-year number overall. oil production on federal land under obama is up. the there have been 241 million more barrels of oil produced under president obama. because the president cut in half licenses and permits -- >> you are a liar honey.
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>> stephanie: the oil and gas industry sitting on 7,000 approved permits to drill. how about this one, i believe very much in our renewable capabilities. >> oh, you are a liar. you are just a liar! >> stephanie: romney is against a one-year renewal of the wind production tax credit. and coal production is not up. coal jobs are not up >> if-en you aren't the grand daddy of all liars! >> liar! liar! liar! >> stephanie: okay. oh, speaking of which -- not liars, but that clip, rob reiner will be on tomorrow. >> he directed that clip. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: twenty-nine minutes after the hour, right back on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ >> stephanie: i had to it
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different news stories. we'll be right back. "the stephanie miller show." (vo) during the debates, it's hard to know what candidates are thinking. unless, of course you've stood at the podium yourself. with governors granholm, spitzer, and vice president gore, watch the only truly experienced presidential debate coverage.
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>>and now to my point. that is a whole bunch of bunk! the powerful my steal an election but they cannot steal democracy.
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[ ♪ music ♪ ] >> well dip my nads and cream and stuff me full of chitlins look who is back -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: thirtity-four minutes after the hour. it is the "stephanie miller
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show." >> i had that clip ready to play when the representative was here -- >> stephanie: oh yeah. we try to separate those. mormon men kept track of their many wives with a binder of information. things like, a, what the last fight was about, charts and worksheets for tracking her menstrual cycle, and pictures of her in her magic underwear. [ applause ] >> stephanie: well binders from the right. ♪ binders from the right, brought up by a douche another blunder for the night ♪ ♪ mitt romney acts like he didn't stumble with a quip about
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a diplomat and some scripture out of some guy's hat ♪ ♪ [ inaudible ] ♪ ♪ because they were binders from the right ♪ ♪ brought up by a douche, another blunder for the night ♪ ♪ binders from the right ♪ ♪ brought up by a douche another blunder for the night ♪ >> that is awesome. >> stephanie: rocky mountain mike. >> there is one going around with bill coming into the room with a big smile on his face.
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did somebody say binders full of women? >> stephanie: i'm not a numbers person -- [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> stephanie: did you see this gallop -- more goods new for america. [ applause ] [ mocking whining ] >> reince preibus now has something else to whine about. >> stephanie: gallop obviously in on the numbers cooking conspiracies. >> sure. >> stephanie: would you like some more mitt lies? >> sure, all right. >> stephanie: here we go. he said if we do what i plan on doing which is getting energy independent, within eight years -- >> the question is were you lying then or are you lying now, or are you in fact not a chronic and hib be it wall liar! >> stephanie: we would actually be going backwards not forward.
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>> right. >> stephanie: right. how about this one? i will fight to create more energy in this country, and part of that is bringing the pipeline down from canada. okay. all right. how about this one, the proof whether an energy price is working. >> liar, liar pans on fire. >> stephanie: gas prices are certainly high but the global comedy that the president has virtually no control over the price of gas. how about this one? i will not under any circumstances reduce the share paid by the highest income taxpayers, and not increase taxes on the middle class under any circumstances. >> liar liar pants on --
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>> stephanie: he's see blah blah -- how about the binder story itself. i went to a number of women's groups -- >> i simply made the logical deduction that you are a liar. >> stephanie: the women's group said we came to him. the whole story was a bunch of [ censor bleep ] >> stephanie: this one i don't believe employer should tell someone whether they can have contraceptive care or not. >> binders full of malarkies. >> stephanie:back in march he supported the bill that could deny contraception to women, and defund planned parenthood. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> stephanie: when you say i
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want to save the auto industry bankrupt, you did. >> what voice was that? >> stephanie: i don't know. ♪ liar liar liar ♪ >> what the hell was that? >> stephanie: it was sort of like a pee wee herman mated with kermit the frog. >> with a little reince prebus in there. >> stephanie: oh, boy. how about this one. the kids that came here illegal -- oh, you do not think -- >> what it's like you have to liar to win. you lie-abetes. >> stephanie: romney has promised to end the action director he has also promised to veto the dream act.
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>> okay. >> we have run through every single one of our bullets in the liar cannon. >> stephanie: i know. any investments i have over the years have been managed by a blind trust, and i understand some of these are outside of the country. ♪ liar ♪ >> stephanie: the blind trust just aced his -- >> yeah. >> stephanie: one of the blind investments -- wow what are the chances -- one of the investments is in a company owned by romney's son. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> yes, my son tommy. who is based on a lie. >> stephanie: i'm sorry, who? what are the chances that a totally blind trust would choose to invest in one of his son's companies, that is just crazy. [ cuckoo clock chimes ]
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>> stephanie: okay. >> i think madeline stow was in a movie like that called "blink." >> stephanie: right. that's exactly -- that was a really good imitation. we have had her on -- >> we have. >> stephanie: maybe he is could come in and impersonate mitt romney's blind trust -- >> or a scene from one of her movies where she gets naked. >> stephanie: the terrorist act it took a long time for that to be told to the american people -- >> you lie! >> stephanie: the difference between ours and israel the -- >> why must you turn my office into a house of lies? >> stephanie: exactly. even barack just told cnn,
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president obama is doing more than any president -- he said we of course don't want to have automatic weapons, and that's already illegal in this country. >> i do not believe your lies. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: automatic weapons are legal -- >> stephanie: we have anymore more left? >> we might have a couple -- >> stephanie: we might have to recycle? >> yeah. >> stephanie: we would reform medicare and social security because as we pointed out they are on the road to bankruptcy. >> you are a bald-faced liar. >> one more. >> stephanie: i don't need it. >> okay. >> stephanie: if no changes were made, medicare would still be able to meet 80% of his
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obligations for another full two decades. so it no in crisis. it is not about to go bankrupt. it is a bunch of fear mongering, and also -- >> what is it like to be a liar? huh? do you like being a liar with pants constantly on fire. >> stephanie: wow, you have blown your liar wad. >> i certainly have. >> stephanie: you are going to be there in a little reince prebus puddle. [ mocking whining ] >> stephanie: laura you are on the "stephanie miller show." >> caller: hi, testifyny. i'm going to direct this to senior citizens and all of you who want social security, when you get older, it works -- we will have it as long as the republicans don't get in
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because as soon as republicans get in, they are going to take it away from us. their boss -- the big boss, the koch brothers, he is sending millions of dollars to get rid of social security. and he told paul ryan to tell us that it is going bankrupt. it is a bunch of malarkey -- i just used joe biden's word. >> you sir, are a liar. liar, liar, your pants are on fire! >> stephanie: okay. forty-five minutes after the hour. we'll be right back on the
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"stephanie miller show." >> sweet lady gaga that is good. >> announcer: it is the "stephanie miller show." ♪ >>start the night with a special live edition of "talking liberally with stephanie miller" at 7 eastern. only on current tv.
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[ male announcer ] red lobster's hitting the streets to tell real people about our new 15 under $15 menu. oh my goodness! oh my gosh this looks amazing! that's a good deal! [ man ] wow! it is so good! [ male announcer ] our new maine stays! 15 entrees under $15 seafood, chicken and more! oo! the tilapia with roasted vegetables! i'm actually looking at the wood grilled chicken with portobello wine sauce. you so fascinated by the prices, you keep rambling on! i know! -that pork chop was great! -no more fast food friday's! so we gotta go! we're going to go to red lobster. yep. [ male announcer ] try our 15 under $15 menu and sea food differently! cook what you love and save your money. joe doesn't know it yet, but he'll work his way up from busser to waiter to chef before opening a restaurant specializing in fish and game from the great northwest. he'll start investing early, he'll find some good people to help guide him, and he'll set money aside from his first day of work to his last,
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which isn't rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade.
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(vo) john fugelsang sees what happens. i like mitt romney but i'm sorry. they guy has flipped more than a crack house mattress. (vo) so we gave him a weekly show. >> thank you.
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[ ♪ music ♪ ] >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ you don't have to put on the red light ♪ ♪ those days are over you don't have to sell your body to the night ♪ >> stephanie: now you tell me. [ laughter ] >>er -- for eight years every time i play that clip you come
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back with that line. >> stephanie: we don't care. playing the hits here. >> liar cannon. that has been popular for eight years. [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> stephanie: denesta suesha -- >> oh, god. >> stephanie: he has to answer questions about a woman, not his wife. [♪ dramatic music ♪] >> it sounds like he has broken one of the commandments. >> stephanie: maybe you can do it in that scary announcer voice. >> married to a woman, not his wife -- >> stephanie: for 20 years. he was in south carolina with a young woman, denise.
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>> denise d'souza. no. [ laughter ] >> sitting in a tree -- >> stephanie: he said he had recently filed for divorce from his wife. and according to a court he filed that day. recently meaning not yet. >> hello 2016. >> d'souza goes to the bank. >> at their wedding they'll play john philip d'souza music. >> stephanie: love him or hate him, you don't know what a cheater he is. [ evil laughter ] [ laughter ] >> stephanie: fund-raising
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number show obama raising more from military than romney. huh? i thought he was leading from behind. >> guess not. >> stephanie: obama raised nearly twice as much as his republican rival. >> why does he hate the troops? >> stephanie: billy graham missed [ inaudible ] from the occult list. >> really. >> stephanie: it was right between jehovah's witnesses and scientologist -- >> billy graham has nothing to do with it. that is all franklin graham. billy graham was a reasonable person. >> stephanie: yeah. by the way -- john mccain said barack obama hung the bush record around my neck, but i found myself having to defending president bush as well as my own vision for america. yes, and now as the president
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pointed out, mitt romney is like bush only worse. >> yeah. >> stephanie: bush never threatened to defund planned parenthood. romney is justified is pointing out obama's first term shortcomings. [ applause ] >> stephanie: how is that going for you mittens. [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> stephanie: florida sometimes equals weird. >> sometimes? >> stephanie: customers refuse to press charges on a couple having sex on a dinner table because, hey dinner and a show. several parents and their children were there at the time. couple not charged with public indesignence or lewdness because all of the witnesses declined to give a statement because it is florida. [ bell chimes ]
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[ applause ] >> wow. >> stephanie: we have seen it all already. >> stephanie: barry in philadelphia. >> caller: hi, steph. i love the show. >> stephanie: thanks. >> caller: and i was happy to hear you mention [ inaudible ] that's why i can't decide why people didn't make up their minds. >> stephanie: yeah, exactly. >> caller: it's amazing how romney's think tank always tells him to take his weaknesses and project them on to president obama. and this whole thing about his son wanting to run down and take a swing at him, his daddy was running to france to evade the draft -- >> stephanie: and tagg chose not to serve because he was serving a higher purpose which was getting his dad to be president. let's go to jenny in cleveland.
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>> caller: hi. i can't understand the people still voting for romney can believe everything that man still says. >> stephanie: i know. >> caller: and -- and not question his credibility. you know, i just don't get it? >> stephanie: i don't see how anyone can trust what he says. left right right-wing or in the middle. he has been on every side of every issue. >> no, i haven't. yes, i have. >> stephanie: mary in illinois. go ahead. >> caller: you guys said that ann romney was going to be on "the view," so i turned her on for a few minutes, and the question from whoopi goldberg was why didn't your husband and will your sons serve in the
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military. >> stephanie: oh. that has to be an icy the help stair. >> ann romney: stop it. >> caller: it was wonderful. >> stephanie: she would have said here is a chocolate pie i made you. >> caller: exactly. and barbara walters looked at her like you shouldn't ask that question. but her answer was my sons -- my children, like they are four years old, and my husband have served missions for the mormons, that's why they didn't serve. >> that's not the same thing. >> caller: it's not. so then joy said to her, well this was before the army question, joy said to her, you know, they were talking about pro-life and all of this. and she said now will your husband allow women to get the contraceptives and everything that they need? and her answer was when you get him on this bench he'll answer that question.
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>> stephanie: right, except that he is never coming on. >> caller: right. and then i have one other thing to say. i don't understand why somebody on the prime channels hasn't time lined obama and romney from the beginning with all of the lies and everything else that they have told -- not that obama has lied. i don't mean him. >> stephanie: i know. i love romney -- first of all romney called the president a liar presumptively before the debate began. he is going to lie like my five sons. >> what? >> stephanie: yeah, i don't understand that. tomorrow rob reiner sexy liberal john fugelsang tomorrow. >> we got him tomorrow. and the guy who is running against michele bachmann in minnesota. >> stephanie: jim graves who is awesome. there is a chance to finally take out that [ censor bleep ] bachmann. >> marcus will be livid! >> stephanie: i'll get -- you
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know what, i need a stylist. i'll hire marcus. >> yes. >> stephanie: that's it for us. we'll see you tomorrow on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ i'm jacki schechner. the boss is stepping out on stage and on line in support of president obama. bruce spring steen is appearing at an event with bill clinton in ohio, and will attend another one in aims, iowa. he has posted a message, explaining the president has had a rough ride but he has been able to do a great many things. he cites the president's work at home, like passing health care at home, rescuing the auto industry, and his work abroad like getting osama bin laden. he says we need to pay more attention to voter
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